Lista de lucrari publicate in cadrul conferintelor



Marius Purcar participa la evenimentul „Impactul proiectelor Bridge Grant în colaborarea dintre universităţi şi agenţii economici” organizat de catre UEFISCDI la Biblioteca Universităţii Politehnica din Bucureşti.


Adrian Bojita face o vizita de lunga durata la Infineon Technologies Romania Scs & Co, B-dul Dimitrie Pompeiu Nr. 6, Sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania in cadrul careia s-a testat versiunea de simulator UTCN bazată pe rețele de discretizare non-conforme pe platforma de simulare internă Infineon; s-au realizat simulări în vederea comparării simulatorului UTCN cu cel Infineon; s-au fost validat rezultatele simulărilor cu măsurătorile experimentale.


Ca urmare a derularii proiectului SET4CIP, studentul cercetator Adrian Bojita din partea UTCN, a fost admis la studiile doctorale cu frecventa sub indrumarea Prof. Dr. Ing. Vasile Topa. Titlul temei de doctorat este „Metode optimizate de simulare pentru analiza multiscalara a proceselor termo-mecanice din circuitele integrate de putere”. In urma admiterii la doctorat, IFRO a decis finantarea studentului cu o bursa doctorala.


Marius Purcar prezinta in cadrul conferintei "First International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering, August 2018" organizata de universitatea Ghent din Belgia NME 2018, cu articolul:

A. Bojita, M. Purcar, C. Boianceanu, C. Florea, D. Simon, V. Topa, "A Simple Metal-Semiconductor Substructure Model for the Thermal Induced Fatigue Simulation in Power Integrated Circuits",

16.07 - 14.09.2018

Sunt organizate doua stagii de internship in cadrul Infineon Technologies Romania Scs & Co a doi studenti UTCN. Anchidim Nimigean, student absolvent al ciclului de licenta a Facultatii de Inginerie Electrica (UTCN), face stagiul de internship pe directia de cercetare a fenomenelor termo-mecanice din Circuitele Integrate de Putere. Adrian Stoian, absolvent al Facultatii de Electronica, Telecomunicatii si Tehnologia Informatiei (UTCN), face stagiul de internship pe directia de cercetare in zona de Yield a circuitelor integrate de putere.


Cristian Boianceanu face o vizita de scurta durata la UTCN pentru a asista la prezentarile lucrarilor de disertatie cat si discutii asupra directiilor de cercetare in vederea finalizarii proiectului de cercetare SET4CIP.


Prezentarea lucrarilor de disertatie a studentilor masteranzi UTCN Adrian Bojita, Marius Lungociu si Razvan Pitu.


Apare in revista Elsevier Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 87, August 2018, pp. 142.150, lucrarea "A simple metal-semiconductor substructure for the advanced thermo-mechanical numerical modeling of the power integrated circuits" de A. Bojita, C. Boianceanu, M. Purcar, C. Florea, D. Simon, C. Plesa, Link catre lucreare


Acceptarea lucrarii intitulate "A Simple Metal-Semiconductor Substructure Model for the Thermal Induced Fatigue Simulation in Power Integrated Circuits", autori: A. Bojita, M. Purcar, C. Boianceanu, C. Florea, D. Simon, V. Topa, in cadrul conferintei internationale "1st International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering, 28-29 August 2018, Ghent University, Belgium".


Cristian Boinceanu si Ciprian Florea din partea Infineon Technologies Romania Scs & Co fac o vizita de scurta durata la UTCN. Ca urmare a proiectului SET4CIP,in 15.03.2018 ing. Ciprian Florea incepe programul de cercetare doctorala sub indrumarea Prof. Dr. Ing. Topa Vasile, perioada de desfasurare fiind 2018-2021, teza intitulata "Studiul comutatoarelor integrate de putere cu functionalitati de detectare si izolare a defectelor" ce propune detectia rapida a defectarii circuitului si izolarea efectului pe care defectul il are asupra functionarii sistemului. In 16.03.2018 s-a efectuat o comisie de recrutare a doi studenti pentru efectuarea unui stagiu de internship pe perioada verii in cadrul Infineon Technologies Romania Scs & Co. Deasemenea in cadrul acestei vizite s-a verificat si discutat stadiul lucrarilor de disertatie.


Adrian Bojita face o vizita de lunga durata la Infineon Technologies Romania Scs & Co, B-dul Dimitrie Pompeiu Nr. 6, Sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania in cadrul careia s-a dezvoltat o ramura a simulatorului termo-mecanic ce utilizeaza retele de discretizare non-conforme pe interfete. Tot in aceasta vizita s-a efectuat si diseminarea rezultatelor cercetarii in vederea publicarii unei lucrari stiintifice in cadrul conferintei "1st International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering, 28-29 August 2018, Ghent University, Belgium".


UTCN castiga impreuna cu un consortiu format cu alți 37 de parteneri din 6 țări membre ale Uniunii Europene finantare pentru proiectul Integrated Development 4.0, 783163-iDev40. Coordonatorul proiectului UTCN este conf. dr. ing. Ioan Marius Purcar (director proiect Set4CIP). Astfel obiectivele proiectului Set4CIP vor fi dezvoltate mai departe prin:

• proiectarea și implementarea de algoritmi si tehnici avansate pentru simularea si modelarea proceselor electro-termo-mecanice din circuitele integrate de putere

• tehnici de modelare si simulare multiscalara si multi grid a circuitelor integrate de putere

• integrarea și generarea rețelelor de discretizare (mesh)

• analiza si proiectarea circuitelor integrate analogice, de radio-frecventa si de semnal mixt

• dezvoltarea metodelor de optimizare a circuitelor si sistemelor electronice

• implementarea metodelor pentru analiza si testarea datelor multivariabile

• analiza de yield

• analiza corelațiilor din etapele de verificare pre- si post-siliciu

• dezvoltarea unor metode de identificare a factorilor care cauzează yield loss

• metode de preprocesare a datelor (de ex. Outliers’ detection – identificarea de date anormale)


Marius Purcar si Adrian Bojita, fac o vizita de scurta durata la: Infineon Technologies Romania Scs & Co, B-dul Dimitrie Pompeiu Nr. 6, Sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania, unde alaturi de Cristian Boinceanu si Dan Simon se propun temele lucrarilor de disertatie a studentilor Adrian Bojita, Marius Lungociu si Razvan Pitu. Obectivul lucrarilor fiind elaborarea unei metodologii de simulare termo-mecanica cat si a evidentierii efectelor varietiei dimensiunilor geometrice a sistemului de metalizare sub actiunea ciclilor repetati de temperatura. Termenul de predare al lucrarilor pentru avizul intern IFRO estimat pe 28.06.2018.


Participare la The 40th edition of the INTERNATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CONFERENCE 2017, Sinaia, Romania cu articolul:

Adrian Bojita, Purcar M., Boianceanu C., Tomas E., Topa V., "A Study of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Techniques for an Eficient Capture of the Thermo-Mechanical Phenomena in Power Integrated Circuits"


Participare la 23rd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems - THERMINIC 2017, Amsterdam, netherlands cu articolul:

Bojita A., Boianceanu C., Purcar M, Plesa C, Florea C., "A Simple Metal-Semiconductor Substructure For The Advanced Thermo-Mechanical Numerical Modeling Of The Power Integrated Circuits"


Marius Lungociu si Razvan Pitu, in calitate de studenti practicanti ai UTCN fac un stagiu de pregatire la: Infineon Technologies Romania Scs & Co, B-dul Dimitrie Pompeiu Nr. 6, Sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania. sub coordonarea lui Cristian Boinceanu


Adrian Bojita, in calitate de cercetator UTCN face un stagiu de pregatire la: Infineon Technologies Romania Scs & Co, B-dul Dimitrie Pompeiu Nr. 6, Sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania. sub coordonarea lui Cristian Boinceanu


Cristian Boianceanu si Ciprian Florea, fac o vizita de scurta durata la: Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, Baritiu 26-28, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. cu scopul participarii la prezentarea diplomelor de licenta a absolventilor Edgar Tomás Rucián si David Mangado Salomón


Marius Purcar, in calitate de director de proiect face o vizita de scurta durata la la: Infineon Technologies Munchen, Germania. unde este intampinat de Johan Massoner


Participare la 7th International Conference on Modern Power Systems 2017, Cluj-Napoca, Romania cu articolul:

Bojita A., Avram A., Purcar M., Munteanu C., Topa V., "Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of the Metal-Semiconductor Structures of Power Integrated Circuits"


Adrian Bojita, in calitate de cercetator UTCN face un stagiu de pregatire la: Infineon Technologies Romania Scs & Co, B-dul Dimitrie Pompeiu Nr. 6, Sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania. sub coordonarea lui Cristian Boinceanu


Proiectul SET4CIP a fost prezentat in cadrul lansarii oficiale a proiectului P_40_437 Parteneriate pentru transfer de cunostinte si tehnologie in vederea dezvoltarii de circuite integrate specializate pentru cresterea eficientei energetice a noilor generatii de vehicule - PartenerIC din cadrul actiunii Parteneriate pentru transfer de cunostinte POC-A1-A1.2.3-G-2015.


S-a desfasurat concursul de ocupare a postului vacant de asistent cercetare din cadrul proiectului. Concursul a fost castigat de ing. Adrian Bojita student masterand in cadrul programului de studii "Tehnici Moderne de Proiectare Asistata de Calculator in Inginerie Electrica" al Facultatii de Inginerie Electrica. Dl. ing. Adrian Bojita isi va incepe activitatea in cadrul proiectului la 01.01.2017.


Vizita personalului UTCN la IFRO. Vizita are ca obiective:

(1) discutarea si stabilirea structurilor de test,

(2) modalitatile de publicare a rezultatelor,

(3) stabilirea subiectelor pentru practica studentilor.


Inlanirea de lansare oficiala a proiectului in cadrul careia s-au reunit membrii echipei UTCN. S-au discutat si alocat resursele pentru desfasurarea activitatilor proiectului.

Lucrari indexate IEEE proceedings si ISI proceedings


1. Avram A., Bojiţă A., Purcar M., Munteanu C., "Numerical analysis of electro-thermal behavior and optimization of the cooling system in electronic power devices using CAD/CAE tools", Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS), ISBN: 978-1-5090-6565-3, DOI: 10.1109/MPS.2017.7974435.


Due to ongoing push of technology to smaller dimensions and higher computational speed of the electronic devices, a higher heat generation on device is obtained, increasing the thermal management challenges. This paper proposes a study of the electro-thermal behavior in electronic power devices and the optimization of the cooling system in order to increase the lifetime of the device. Different heat-sink designs for L298N Dual H-Bridge are proposed in this article. For each testing design of the heat sink two problems need to be solved: the electrical process model, which provides the power dissipation of the system, and the thermal process model, which provides the temperature distribution. The thermal analysis results and the optimal design of the heat sink are modeled using CAD/CAE specialized tools.


2. Bojita A., Avram A., Purcar M., Munteanu C., Topa V., "Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of the Metal-Semiconductor Structures of Power Integrated Circuits", Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS, ISBN: 978-1-5090-6565-3), DOI: 10.1109/MPS.2017.7974450.


Thermo-mechanical stress accumulation in the power electronic integrated circuit (PIC) devices influences their lifetime and reliability. In order to determine both the temperature and the stress accumulation, numerical simulation is a very important tool in the design of PIC devices for quantifying and enhancing their lifetime and reliability. An open source solution integrated in Salome-Meca and Code_Aster based on the finite element method (FEM) is used in this paper to analyze the thermo-mechanical behavior on a simple metal-semiconductor structure, which is typically found in a PIC. The computational time and accuracy of the simulations results is improved by finding the optimal mesh configuration. A convergence study is computed for five different cases by progressively reducing the size of the discretization elements (hence, increasing the number of mesh elements) in the area of interest. The results for an optimal relative error and computational time are compared with the results obtained using the commercial software Comsol. The simulated mechanical stress is compared with similar results reported in literature.


3. Bojita A., Boianceanu C., Purcar M, Plesa C, Florea C., "A Simple Metal-Semiconductor Substructure For The Advanced Thermo-Mechanical Numerical Modeling Of The Power Integrated Circuits", 23rd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems - THERMINIC 2017, September 2017, Amsterdam /NL, ISBN 978-1-5386-1928-8, DOI: 10.1109/THERMINIC.2017.8233803.


The lifetime of power DMOS devices subjected to Thermal Induced Plastic Metal Deformation (TPMD) is highly dependent on the design of the metallization systems and thus requires the understanding of temperature, stress and strain distribution. This paper introduces and studies via numerical simulations with finite element method (FEM) a simple three dimensional (3D) transistor substructure commonly found in different high integration BCD technologies, for the assessment of thermo-mechanical phenomena in order to identify the areas of high stress accumulation and failure mechanisms.


4. Adrian Bojita, A. Purcar M., Boianceanu C., Tomas E., Topa V., "A Study of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Techniques for an Eficient Capture of the Thermo-Mechanical Phenomena in Power Integrated Circuits", The 40th edition of the INTERNATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CONFERENCE 2017, Sinaia, Romania, pp 205 – 208, DOI: 10.1109/SMICND.2017.8101201.


Numerical simulation (i.e. based on the Finite Element Method - FEM) is an important design method and tool that allows prediction of failure position of the Double Diffused Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (DMOS) devices and a comparative analysis of the robustness of different metallization topologies with regard to Thermal Induced Plastic Metal Deformation (TPDM). As the dimension of analyzed components is very small and multiple physical phenomena occur, the finite element mesh size and density is very important for the accuracy and efficiency of the analysis method. The aim of this paper is to present an Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) study for an efficient and accurate quantification by numerical simulation of the thermal induced stress and strain distribution in Power Integrated Circuits (PIC's). The study is demonstrated on simple 3D substructures commonly found at different high integration Bipolar CMOS-DMOS (BCD) technologies.


5. A. Bojita, M. Purcar, C. Boianceanu, C. Florea, D. Simon, V. Topa, "A Simple Metal-Semiconductor Substructure Model for the Thermal Induced Fatigue Simulation in Power Integrated Circuits", Numerical Modelling in Engineering 2018, Ghent, Belgium, published in Numerical Modelling in Mechanical and Materials, vol. 2, Springer, pp. 21-36,


Thermal Induced Plastic Metal Deformation (TPMD) in a double-diffused metal-oxide semiconductor (DMOS) power device is highly dependent on the design and material properties of the metallization system corresponding to the technolo-gy in which the device is fabricated. To analyse and understand the interactions between the temperature, stress and strain distribution in the metallization system, a simple substructure model is necessary. A simple three-dimensional (3D) substructure commonly found in high integra-tion Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS (BCD) technologies, is introduced for the assess-ment of thermo-mechanical phenomena. The investigated substructure is repre-sented by a repetitive model with three signal metallisation lines. Numerical simulations based on finite element method (FEM) are performed to identify the areas of high stress accumulation and possible failure mechanisms. The structure is studied under two temperature variation conditions: 400-600K and 300-650K. Function of different electrical connectivity between metal layers, the displacement profile is analysed for identifying possible failure regions. First, an analysis of the mechanical displacement during one heating-cooling cycle is studied to understand the behaviour of the structure as response to the lateral temperature gradient. Further, the analysis is extended to a larger number of cy-cles to understand the plastic deformation accumulation over repeated cycling op-eration. Based on the displacement accumulation profiles, the possible failure po-sitions and failure mechanisms are identified. Keywords: BCD technologies, Fast Temperature Cycles, Thermal Induced Plas-tic Metal Deformation, Finite Element Method, crack formation, metal delamina-tion.
